Last Updated On -21 Mar 2025
The minimum support price is the amount paid by the government for the crops from farmers, regardless of the market price. It is a form of support the government provides to the farmers, offering them a fair price and protection from sudden fluctuations in the marketplace. The announcement of the prices is before the sowing/planting season. Almost two dozen commodities are priced by the government each year with the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices.
The Bihar famine of 1966–67 resulted from droughts and war and was a major part of the Indian food shortage era. MSP was first introduced as an incentive to farmers to increase productivity and adopt technology. However, with the onset of the early 2000s, it became an income source.
The government has been working on awareness programs for the MSP acknowledgement among farmers.
The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) is the community behind MSP-related decisions.
The governing factors behind MSP-related decisions are:
The MSP is met with specific challenges, such as state disparity. For example, in a year, only a few states benefit from the scheme while others take the fall.
The challenges met by the MSP are:
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The minimum support price is the amount paid by the government for the crops from farmers, regardless of the market price. It is a form of support the government provides to the farmers, offering them a fair price and protection from sudden fluctuations in the marketplace.
The Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) is the community behind MSP-related decisions.
The MSP has a system covering 23 crops, which are cereals, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, and commercial crops.